Israel Warns On Iran And Nuclear Weapons: Can You Hear Us Now!?

Israel Warns On Iran And Nuclear Weapons: Can You Hear Us Now!?

While in Davos, Switzerland, Israeli President Shimon Peres has urged the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog head of the IAEA or International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed El Baradei, to go to work on in “serious and steadfast manner against Iran’s nuclear armament” Saturday when both men met in meeting. When it comes to dealing with a growing nuclear threat with Iran and nuclear weapons, Israel does not mince words. Also Israel is pressing the USA and the President Barak Obama White House to not just only issue a “please be nice Iran letter”.

According to Shlomo Brom, a retired general and senior research fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies in Tel Aviv, has said that the Israeli government is not going to be satisfied with how the US deals with Iran until it takes a tougher stand.

At a time when the Obama White House has made the ERROR of having the terror trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in NYC and is looking to have the trial held elsewhere, although IMHO, it should have been held in GITMO where he is being held at the moment, President Obama has become a President learning his job while being trained on the job. Having an American President who is learning about the job and not being able to sit in the big boy’s chair showing clear leadership does not give Israel CONFIDENCE.

For more on Israel and Iran’s nuke:

14 thoughts on “Israel Warns On Iran And Nuclear Weapons: Can You Hear Us Now!?

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