White House: Obama Did Not Take Goldman Sachs PAC Money, Will Not Return Donations

White House: Obama Did Not Take Goldman Sachs PAC Money, Will Not Return Donations

Or so says White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, having said in denial that President Barak Obama took any PAC money from Goldman Sachs,will not return any donations. This is not surprising, considering HOW MUCH the Obama White House is IN BED with Goldman Sachs. Coming from the horse’s mouth directly: “GIBBS: Anybody that contributed to the campaign at any point knew where the President stood on Wall Street.”

Well bloggers like ME know where you stand President Obama in regards to this comment from the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. No wonder folks like Rush Limbaugh call the Obama White House a “REGIME”. Read More Here And Watch The Video: \"Coming Right Out Of The Horse\'s Mouth\"

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