Father Jonathan Morris On 2:30AM Sunday Mass In Pittsburgh,PA

Father Jonathan Morris On 2:30AM Sunday Mass In Pittsburgh,PA

First of all, God Bless this priest for going out of his way to bring people closer to God.

Having said that, after just watching this video of Father Jonathan Morris commenting on a Roman Catholic priest in the Pittsburgh, PA, area wanting to witness to Catholics who go out on Saturday night social or date night, as well as those Catholics who have weekend work commitments as well as the young single adult Catholics that is also this special during the middle-of-the-night, 2:30AM Sunday morning mass.

From Father Morris himself:”The discussion centers around who these services will attract and if it will do any good.

My feeling? It’s an opportunity for people with alternative work schedules to be able to attend church services. And there could be people that may be needing to make their spiritual choices that may attend that wouldn’t otherwise. But the downside seems to be people that may come at that time in an inebriated state and disrupt the service.

Like they said, we’ll see how this works out.”

My take on this decision, if it works out in bringing Catholics closer to God and help them not miss Sunday mass, Godspeed to the priest. But also I would advise him, would it be better to have either as Father Morris has said, a late Sunday afternoon or early evening mass, as is seen in a few of the Roman Catholic parishes in my home archdiocesse of Hartford, Connecticut, USA? That way, you can still attend Sunday mass, yet be able to get enough sleep on Sunday morning? Also one should be in a good state of mind in order to worship God and GIVE HIM THE GLORY.

With MANY THANKS to both TheRealjohnny2k and YouTube. Watch Video Here:

6 thoughts on “Father Jonathan Morris On 2:30AM Sunday Mass In Pittsburgh,PA

  1. For me! is any day that we can go to church to pray to the Lord or worship him. not just one day of the week with worship, but with another day or every day because we worship the Lord with other people here do not go to church because there are jobs on the day of the week can also pray or worship God here in our house to give him the glory.

  2. I like this post very much! because this is all about how to attend and praising our LOrd Jesus Christ or worship him, for me also even if i could’nt go to church every sunday but i was trying to get closer with God with my way of praying every night before i sleep,i was praying that he guide us my family, give us strenght and health,because God was very merciful and he is the only way to help us!,For the other people who missed the sunday mass,we couldn’t blame them coz we don’t know that they have only way of PRaying in their house like Rosary.,or whatever the way they are praying.

  3. You know you’re right ought to be really close in our God because he just help us and reconcile with a grace and what else could he do or lacking in life so you should not lose our hearts to God the ones we should remember in life.

  4. I honestly say that i was really glad and absolutely enjoy reading this article because it teach us on how we can get connected to God the creator.I am so happy to know that in this point of moment their are some person or people who was giving the importance to teach people on who we can feel Jesus and by doing this i really appreciate what you are doing.

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