Illegals Threaten To Kill Arizona Sheriff Over Immigration Law

Illegals Threaten To Kill Arizona Sheriff Over Immigration Law

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu, who works to secure the American border with Mexico, (southern border), has become the target of numerous death threats by illegals from Mexico as well as drug gangs from the same country. This is an example of those brave Americans who put their all on the line to not only ENFORCE our borders, but to also protect the people of his home state, Arizona. With MANY THANKS to both BabyJustWin and YouTube. Also WITH MANY THANKS, to Stand With Arizona as well as YouTube for its video on this Sheriff who with the news media in AZ have gotten word that a death threat has been issued by Mexican gang leaders, known as a “green light” threat. This video will explain what a “green light” threat is. Watch Videos Here:

Also Read Here Website, Stand With Arizona:\"Stand With Arizona\"

4 thoughts on “Illegals Threaten To Kill Arizona Sheriff Over Immigration Law

  1. It is illegal for illegals to threaten to murder an American police officer in our Conservative America, democrats be damned. DC politicians should be jailed for allowing these clowns to threaten anyone. Oh, they applaud the anti American mexican president in Congress, don’t they?

  2. Officer Babeu is a real american hero and a man of profound courage. This story shows just how bad things really are in america with the alliance between organized crime and our politcal parties.

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