You Call This A Rally? (One Nation,Liberal Left Rally,Glen Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally Larger)

You Call This A Rally? (One Nation,Liberal Left Rally,Glen Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally Larger)

You call this liberal left gathering in Washington D.C. yesterday a rally? PLEASE.

Yesterday’s “One Nation Rally”, which had been organized to help beleaguered Democrats who are getting ready for the upcoming November 2, 2010 mid-term elections, with the support of both unions and civil rights groups, had a gathering alright. But not the large numbers that was generated from the recent late August 2010 Glen Beck “Restoring Honor Rally” and the two major tea party rallies that met both in September of 2009 and 2010.

After looking at both videos and pictures on this “One Nation Rally”, while there were a good number of people, it was NOT the wall-to-wall people that had attended the Beck rally produced. That wall-to-wall spread of persons went from the Lincoln Memorial going past by the Reflecting Pool. It goes to show that we are seeing a MAJOR SURGE towards the CONSERVATIVE SIDE.

When I was in Hartford yesterday at the State Capitol for the “Drain The Swamp Rally”, I had seen 300 people who were ON FIRE to get the word out that there are for this upcoming elections alternates to the politics as usual, having started with the “tea party movement” This rally yesterday, though smaller even then this “One Nation Rally” in D.C., the people are ready and willing to step up to the plate and do the pushback that which is needed to take the USA back.

With MANY THANKS to both xSAVAGExISxRIGHTx and YouTube. Watch Video Here:

With MANY THANKS to both CNM and YouTube. Watch Video Here:

6 thoughts on “You Call This A Rally? (One Nation,Liberal Left Rally,Glen Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally Larger)

  1. Liberals have better things to do than to go to rallies. Right-wingers are sheep. That’s why you see them flocking to churches, fox news, and Glenn Beck rallies.

    1. Hi Ben:

      It has only been nearly two years that the conservative side has been expressing concerns at rallies, since Rick Santelli did his famous “classic rant” in Chicago calling for tea party rallies in February 2009. While liberals PROTESTED, conservatives have a LIFE. :)=^..^=

  2. It was laughable. Even with the bused in union goons, this ‘rally’ was a socialist/communist joke. Got to love how the trash left their trash all over the Lincoln and WWII Memorial. Like typical Obama zombies, they left their mess for others to clean up. Good article. Keep on pointing out the facts.

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