Robert Spencer Out And Out EXPOSES Imam Rauf On Ground Zero Mosque

Robert Spencer Out And Out EXPOSES Imam Rauf On Ground Zero Mosque

On “Hannity” last night, Sean Hannity had on for a debate-style interview, Robert Spencer, from and a writer of a number of books on Islam and Michael Ghouse from the World Muslim Congress. This debate got very interesting during the course of it going on. To the CREDIT of Mr. Spencer, he kept hammering and hammering on Mr. Ghouse, trying get decent answers about this Imam Rauf and his positions on terrorism and terror groups such as Hamas. The keeping on hammering of Mr. Ghouse, on the issue of the support for terror groups by this Iman Rauf, who wants a mosque built not far from Ground Zero, which is viewed in ANGRY PROTESTS of rejection by many people, and in a special way, by those who had lost family and friends on September 11, 2001, as a VICTORY MOSQUE and NOT a form of bridge of understanding building.

Mr. Spencer and Mr. Hannity are not FOOLED by Mr. Ghouse’s efforts to look at this proposed mosque near Ground Zero and about this imam being a “bridge builder”.

Mr.Ghouse must realize as with the American Muslim community, that the USA is a nation that is based on its own CONSTITUTION and the PRINCIPLES of FREEDOM. With MANY THANKS to both atlassshrugs2000 and YouTube. Watch Video Here:

3 thoughts on “Robert Spencer Out And Out EXPOSES Imam Rauf On Ground Zero Mosque

  1. I wish your text explaining this article was a little more coherent

    you tell us what he did (the hammering) but not the outcome

    also it is a little hard to read/understand

    Needs some editing

  2. Thank-you for your comment. I will do a special editing of the article. Also doing blogging up to early evening then will be taking a needed break for a few days away from the blog, and will at best post comments.

  3. The Muslims have made a major tactical blunder with the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, and we Islamically-aware counterjihadists need to use it and strike while the iron is hot. The Muslim grand strategy requires incremental creeping Sharia and supremacism, where Islam insidiously takes over and slowly destroys Western civilization by a thousand cuts. Every advance should be so small that the ‘najis kafir sons of pigs and monkeys’ (that’s us, folks!) either don’t notice it, or can’t be bothered to oppose such a minor irritation.

    But this abomination has half awoken the sleeping giant of American Public Opinion. We need to keep prodding the giant to prevent him falling back to sleep, and hopefully get him to awake fully. To do this we need to spread our message beyond the counter-jihadist blogosphere, using local media and social networks etc.

    We also need to link the Mosque issue to the general problems of Islamic supremacism in as many ways as possible, a full list of topics can be found here:

    A particular example that most Americans will be unaware of is the Islamic motivation for the Beslan child-rape orgy and massacre, the sixth anniversary of which approaches. The MSM went to great lengths to cover up both the vileness of the sexual tortures, and the Muslim involvement and Islamic doctrinal basis of this attack on kafir children

    Although Beslan did not produce the greatest number of casualties of the current jihad, it exceeds all others in its sadism and depravity, and graphically illustrates what we have allowed into the West. Please ensure through your blogs and forums that the anniversary of Beslan is not forgotten this year.

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