Obama’s Trouble With The Youth Vote?

Obama’s Trouble With The Youth Vote?

This should come as NO SURPRISE, young people are VERY CONCERNED about their FUTURE in a America which so much of its economy has come under the CONTROL of President Barak Obama’s White House and the Democrats and RINOS.

From the video I had watched, it is apparent that young people, whom President Obama had turned to get him into office are frankly are disappointed to say the least. Also with big concerns are their future in the working world and being able to find and keep work. Add that there are young people who come from families that have had older siblings as well as parents “lose jobs or even homes” during these rough economic times. So in other words, look for less turn out in the mid-term election support during these five weeks of the same young people for the Democratic agenda. This is even so for even the most liberal mid-western states such as Wisconsin and its flagship university. With MANY THANKS to both joegerarden and YouTube. Watch Video Here:

22 thoughts on “Obama’s Trouble With The Youth Vote?

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