……While The Much Talked About “Million Muslim March” Walked By A Small Counter-Christian Protest

……While The Much Talked About “Million Muslim March” Walked By A Small Counter-Christian Protest

……This was the planned “million Muslim march” ?

Hello. How ironic, the group that got a permit to have a million Muslim march turned out to have no more than 2 dozen protesters, and also being subjected to the counter protests of a small Christian protesting group while the 2 million bikers who were NOT given a permit had a much, much greater turn out. Goes to show who shows greater love and support for the United States of America.

With MANY THANKS To Both oliverdrcy And YouTube. Watch Video Here:

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United States Capitol (Photo credit: Jack’s LOST FILM)
Ride On………Tribute To The 2 Million Bikers To DC, September 11, 2013

Ride On………Tribute To The 2 Million Bikers To DC, September 11, 2013

In the United States of America‘s national capital, Washington D.C., a huge ride in by the 2 Million Bikers to honor not only the memory of those who died on September 11, 2001, but also those who have had or are serving in the USA military as either vveterans or active military. THANK-YOU bikers for taking time to ride to  Washington D.C. and God Bless. See you next year.


With MANY THANKS To Both It’s Not Wrong To Be Right And YouTube. Watch Video Here:








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Can We Lose This Now? (Coexist)

Can We Lose This Now? (Coexist)

From time to time I see a bumper sicker going by this design, and using this one word called COEXIST. The reason this is brought up is that, the very ironic thing of what has been going on in Boston this week, with the recent horrible bombing attack towards the end of the 117th Boston Marathon and that it turned out the two suspects are from Chechnya and are Muslim as well. One of the sad things about what has taken place is that, one of the people killed, the little 8-year-old, attended a school which had up to people of up to 83 different backgrounds. Or another one of the victims killed came from of all places, China. Or that the third victim killed managed a restraunt in a city that had persons of all different backgrounds calling it home.

What is needed is not a bumper sicker by that one word, “coexist”, but the need to deal with the fact that each human heart can not only do great acts of evil, but also great acts of kindness. The answer is not doing a bumper with the word coexist, but to come to terms with the reality that we humans can very well do both.

Coexist Bumper Sicker I often See
Can We Lose This Now?
Boston Skyline
Boston Skyline (Photo credit: brentdanley)